Question about pages on my website and ranking
We offer around 20 different massage services at our location. We are in only 1 town. The 20 services can technically be counted as 10 because for example for "customized massage" we offer a 60 minute service and a 90 minute service.
On my booking software, I have them listed as seperate services due to price and time difference.
On my website, I created each individual pages for the "20" services. For example, I created a "60 minute customized massage" page and a "90 minute customized massage" page. Same goes for all other massages. Content is different enough for the pages, so they are indexed in GSC. Also all of the pages include my town so l use my town name throughout the pages content, in title tag, meta description etc.
Should I not have created individual pages for "60" and "90" minute massages? I almost feel like I should have created one page for customized massage, and mention that we do 60 or 90 minutes, one page for hot stone massage, one page for CBD massage... etc.
Did I harm my ability to rank for "massage in (town)" because I created a bunch of pages due to the difference in 60 and 90 minutes? Should I redirect the 60 and 90 minute pages to a single page thats called "customized massage in (town)", "hot stone massage in (town)", "CBD massage in (town)"?
I also have a main "massage" page which lists all my massage services with the option to click "learn more" to land on the individual "60" or "90" minute massage pages.
Currently, my competitor is ranking for "massage in (town)" above me, and I come up for "60 minute massage in (town)" but my main massage page "massage in (town)" doesnt show up at all.