Goodbye dearest friend
Saying goodbye, so hard after a magical life together. I love you Nikko. 16 wonderful years together is nothing to sneeze at but somehow there's never enough. This morning I woke up shocked I had somehow fallen asleep for a few hours, you were panting and trying to get comfortable, we had our appointment already made and somehow gut instinct and the bond we shared let me know today was your day and that our chapter must close. I took so many pictures, I openly sobbed into your sweet smelling fur while you snoozed on the couch oh so tired my faithful friend. I struggled with what to say, do, or fill our time with yesterday. I somehow managed to open the floodgates and tell you everything today. We did our final walk, your legs giving out beneath you. We took our time eating your final brekkies of Delmonico steak, fried egg, chicken in the shape of a heart for all the love we have held for one another, a yogurt garnish. You got more tired. I helped you walk around to bark out the window while we waited on your good Dr to come and replace your failing legs with wings. How you managed to eat so well the last few days will always astound me. You gave me your all and I gave you mine. Until we meet again thank you, I love, and congratulations on starting the new great journey you are on, restored, youthful and content. Hugs and kisses my sweet sweet boy.