R.I.P beautiful Allie , my soul dog
Beloved Allie lived to 13, I'm so lost without her I've falling into a dark depression. I tried everything to keep her healthy since she was a pup with the most expensive food, as she got old around 9 she had bad Osteoarthritis and it moved to her spine in her 11s and she started dragging her back legs around 12 1/2. I was WITH HER EVERY WAKING MOMENT changing her bed pads when she couldn't go outside to poop anymore. Not one drop of pee went unseen. I'm 30 with no kids so she was like my baby. I noticed everytime she liked her lips I knew she was thirsty I'd run to grab water. I had her on pain meds, predisone.. but she got paralyzed in the the last 3 months and she was getting ulcers. So I had to keep moving her from side to side. I slept with her most nights and 12 nights ago she was breathing really hard before I went to bed and I slept in my own bed that night and I woke to my mom crying in my face saying she had died in the night. The ONE FREAKING time I think she's fine everything fine... she passed.. without me with her. .. I blame myself... she was breathing so hard 😭 I should have taken her off the predisone... it had to be my fault somehow