Publishing and reading controversial fiction

Is there anyone here who likes to read and has also written and wants to publish their own non-mainstream fiction but has real trouble finding platforms to do this? I mean anything that explores in depth and is interested in exploring concepts of anything unpopular from hardline communism to fundamentalism.

Anything from pro-anarchy to powerfully radfem literature. Anything that contains frowned-upon sexual mores. Such as what the West considers to be sex negativity. Yet it is seen as the norm to control and curb such desires in many other places for various reasons. Books featuring Asian-like societies with beliefs that clash with the West. Anti-Vax. Or pro to the point you make it mandatory for everyone under all circumstances. Lockdowns, migration debates on both sides. Anti-globalism due to the health impacts, you can find some academic research on its rapid spreading of disease.

Islam and its principles from their moral perspective. However distasteful many find it. Books( fictional) about people who want to exhibit strong societal change. Completely fictional works or ones peaceful and not inciting violence and just asking for changes within the law, I will be clear. I myself feel that almost all writing should be allowed but I also understand the rules on this.