Social media is so harmful

help, I'm a 19F this year and have always found myself to be decently good looking. in the past, some of my friends or the people around me would always compliment me whenever I posted on ig, but in the recent months, they stopped. my question is, is it normal to feel ugly because of the lack of compliments? i know it sounds immature of me but honestly, i don't know why I feel this way and require validation through social media to feel pretty once again. i realise many of the people i know and see would always have their friends or many people that hype them up, but i get none and as a result, I'll end up feeling insecure or a little sad. i know that it's my choice to post, and people shouldn't be obligated to comment on my posts but i just feel weird about it (especially when people used to do it, and now nobody does)

maybe social media is just harmful (and we all probably know that) 😫😫