The incel posts are getting annoying

I don't think I've ever seen a single dude that was just so irredeemably ugly he was doomed to perpetual loneliness, barring a handful of extreme unfortunate examples. If you actually walk outside and touch grass, you'd clearly see that the whole "women only want the top x% of men" isn't true.

It is almost always a certain type of dude that has problems way beyond just women. Chronically online, consuming manosphere content, overly jaded, antagonistic, social difficulties, very low emotional IQ, etc. They don't want to accept the reality that they have a lot of work and growth to embark on as a person, so they search for comforting theories of defeatism, that they are essentially pre-determined to be unfuckable.

This in of itself wouldn't necessarily be a problem... except that they turn it into a movement of blaming and hating women. We've got a couple users here that are in every thread crying about their lack of women, then you check their profiles and see they self-admit that their lives are a mess. Well, how do you expect to get into a romantic relationship (which is a lot of work) if you can't even maintain friendships? Why are you crying about looks in every post, while admitting that you smoke, don't workout, and don't take care of yourself?