Pissing off redditers is actually so funny

When I first Joined reddit, i got angry and defensive whenever the sensitive comments would try and attack me or "call me out" because i was not aware of what the websites audience was mostly actually like. And i was not used to it.

But the more that I use this website, and the more I come to the realization.. No matter what you post you will get downvoted no matter how sensical or good intentioned your post was, No matter who you are you will always find the most primitive and hateful terminally online people on this website, Most of them however will get praise and upvotes for their virtual signaling and fragile ways.

While you get downvoted and dogpiled with many petty and nasty passive aggressive comments. People calling you a bigot just for having different beliefs or different opinions. And no, It doesnt even have to be political. Just for something stupid like not liking fucking root beer on unpopular opinion, people will be almost cultishly critical. travelling in hives to attack whoever they disagree with.

They will stalk your account just to use something against you, And yes. they know that shits weird. but they dont care. Theyll do it anyways just because they see you as a bad person.

So I have came to a conclusion, A website where everything is downvoted and critiqued just for being different from the rest and flawed in their eyes.. why dont you just give up on trying to censor yourself? post whatever you want! matter a fact, be happy the redditers disagree with you. laugh at them. look down upon them and they will realize..

Reddit is a place where any loser can feel like terminator.

Reddit is not a free speech website. And it never will be anytime soon. unless we turn it into one