Just wondering if any other women my age can relate (dating/sexuality)

Ok before I get started, I just wanted to say that I’m not really looking for any advice ( if you want to give advice that’s fine, but I’m also not really looking for it), and obviously if you want to give your opinion that’s fine too, but I’m just making this post a stream of thoughts about a specific topic.

So, based on how I feel about sex, realistically I don’t think that I could really ever date anyone. I don’t say this because I’m sad about that idea, bc my stance on a relationship is kinda neutral, but logically based on how I think, I’m not really sure how a relationship would happen.

For starters, I’m a 23 y/o woman, and I’m a virgin ( pls don’t get weird in my dms). The reason behind why I am still a virgin is simply because I don’t have a pool to have sex. I have never been SA’d, and my mom never held any oppressive ideas around sex that would’ve affected me. When I was in hs, all she would really ever say to me was that if I do choose to have sex that I should use protection/get on bc obviously because I could get pregnant. When I was in hs, a lot of peers were sexually active, but I just never really saw the appeal in it, especially not at 15/16 when ppl would probably be bad at it anyways lol.

Since graduating hs, I still haven’t developed enough curiosity in the idea of sex to engage in it.

Adding onto this, I know that I’m still pretty young, but the older I get, the more I’m starting to realize how many common aspects of sex just seem very unappealing to me. For example, the idea of giving a man oral. Honestly, I have a feeling of disgust towards that idea, because for one, I’m not comfortable with the idea of putting a man’s penis in my mouth while also letting him ejaculate in my mouth/on my face. Maybe I’m just immature, but nothing about that sounds “sexy”, if anything it just sounds gross. And secondly, in general it just feels degrading to me. I know that there are a lot of women who don’t view it this way and I also know that a lot of women genuinely enjoy it.

Adding onto this, most kinks/fetishes that seem to be pretty common are also pretty unappealing to me. The only thing that I kinda have a neutral stance on is PIV, but that’s not even a definite yes, it’s just not a no.

So, taking all of this into consideration, at first, I just started to assume that maybe I was a lesbian, but then I realized that I’ve literally never had a sexual thought/ desire for a woman ever, and that I also don’t want to do anything sexual with a woman either. So then I started to think that I might be asexual, but then that idea stopped making sense to me once I realized that I’ve experienced horniness before and that I do get turned on if I read a smutty book.

So after thinking about all of these factors, I kinda started to realize that dating/being in a relationship probably just wouldn’t work out for me, because even if a guy is patient enough to wait for a certain amount of time, eventually I’m assuming that they’d probably want to have sex with me and that to some degree, sex is kind of expected in a romantic relationship.

Yes I know that I don’t have to do anything that I don’t want to, and I wouldn’t, but I do also recognize that most ppl don’t share my feelings around sex, so in a way, sex is usually expected, and it’s just not something that I really want to do, and I also don’t want to feel like I’d have to do it either, so for now, I think that I’m just gonna hold off on dating/a relationship unless mindset makes some kind of sudden shift.

I really hope that none of this comes off as slut shaming, bc I get that sex is a natural and common part of life, there are just a lot of aspects about it that I just don’t like the idea of it, and I just wanted to know if anyone else shared my same feelings