im falling into blackpill ideology

throwaway account for obvious reasons, I (21M) went from ugly to good looking dude, people started to treat me with more respect, everyone saw me as a human and my dating life improved dramatically, the thing with blackpill community is it has lot of inches but im not one, im a feminist and very left leaning, I watched some looksmaxing videos to help me (lose weight, getting a jawline and everything else) I often get compliments from women, im very shy, I used to talk to no one, I thought I was single because I had no communication skills but I still dont have one and I have an amazing girlfriend and I love her to death, ugly people are not treated as humans beings, also looks very much matter in the relationship and anyone who says the opposite is lying, looks are like CV for a job, you make it your best and personality are like skills so personality do matter in the relationship

looks are the major step into getting into a relationship and that's why so many people are in an abusive / toxic relationship because they didnt care about their personality, I hate humans are like this, I NEVER judged someone based on looks and im proud of it