Why is everybody such a tomato juice hater

Why does it seem like it's nearly unanimously hated? What's wrong with it? Everyone likes ketchup, tomato sauce and tomato soup but for some reason tomato juice might as well be prostatic fluid.

I've found myself LYING dozens of times in my life simply to not be exiled like "YEAH, it's disgusting, ☹️" knowing damn well i could chug the whole pack in one go if i was in the proper mood. Tomato juice is freely available at work and sometimes i feel like it but i can't because i've already explicitly established myself as someone who isn't a tomato-loving degenerate.

It tastes the same as tomato soup. What's wrong with tomato soup in a glass? It doesn't make it disgusting, just more convenient. Well, i just love tomatoes in general. I eat about 2 to 4 portions of raw tomato every day.