Stop Memorizing Pickup Lines - Do This Instead
A lot of guys think they need crazy pickup lines to attract women. You see these TikTok and Reels videos with millions of views where a guy is saying some flashy, humorous 1-liner, and the girl laughs and gives her number. So, naturally, you think, “Oh, that’s what gets the girl!”
But that’s not reality.
What you’re seeing is a tiny, highly edited highlight - a one-minute clip where everything seems to work perfectly. But in real life, that’s not how it actually works.
To explain this, I want to compare it to one of my favorite sports: mixed martial arts. If you watch MMA, you’ll notice some fighters do crazy, flashy moves - backflips, spinning kicks, wild acrobatics. They look like real-life Mortal Kombat characters. It’s insane.
But here’s the thing: those guys rarely become champions. They might be fun to watch, they have loads of exciting highlights but they don’t dominate the sport. Fighters like Michel Pereira or Michael "Venom" Page - super flashy and extremely entertaining - but they don’t consistently win at the highest level.
The fighters who actually become champions and stay champions for years? They have insanely solid basics.
Take something as simple as a jab. It’s the most basic punch in fighting, but the best fighters know exactly how to use it - when to throw it, at what speed, at what angle. They don’t rely on super flashy moves; they execute simple techniques at the right moments, in the right combinations, with perfect timing. That’s what makes them great.
And it’s the exact same thing with flirting.
The guys who get the best results with women don’t rely on flashy opening lines or lines to overcome frame tests. They have their fundamentals down. They understand the basics of social skills, flirting, and escalation. They know when to say the right thing, how to deliver it, how to control the energy of an interaction.
You’re not going to walk up to a girl and say, “Are you salt? Because you are sodium fine”. It might get views on TikTok but that’s not what gets the girl.
Instead, a guy with solid fundamentals might just walk up and say, “Hey, I saw you over there and had to come say hi.” That’s it. Simple. But what makes it work?
- The right tonality
- Strong eye contact
- The right timing and pausing
- Being aware of the space and vibe of the interaction
That’s what creates real attraction. The words themselves don’t matter nearly as much as how you say them and when you say them.
It’s just like in MMA. Some guys in the gym are out there practicing spinning elbows, but they don’t even have a solid jab. It’s a low-percentage, flashy move that won’t help them win fights.
Flirting is the same way. You don’t need pickup lines. You need solid verbal basics:
- Knowing how to open a conversation naturally
- Paying attention to your environment and making observations
- Expressing intent clearly - why you find her interesting or attractive
- Knowing how to keep the conversation going and make it fun
- Understanding teasing, storytelling, exaggeration - basic flirting tools
- Calibrating - knowing when and how much to use each technique
Mastering these basics will get you way better long-term results than memorizing flashy pickup lines ever will.