Why am I so attracted to the “easy” girls?

So I have always been attracted to the “easy” girls if you know what I mean, the ones that talk to multiple guys, cheat on their men, love attention but are fun be around (for the most part), the type of girl that by no means you should catch feelings for…but yeah thats where I always find myself.

8 years in I am with the opposite type of woman, one that has my back, is there for me, takes care of what she needs and causes no issues…but kinda boring, hate to say it that way but its true, not saying its a bad thing let me make that clear things are good BUT over time these easy girls always seem to come into my life somehow..

What is it that makes me like these chicks and catch feelings, end up hurt when they leave for other guys, get jealous when they play games, even after seeing the red flags I still get in my feelings, I envy guys whos can bang and move on like nothing so much..

Also for reference I am an attractive guy, can talk with women, very sociable, not desperate with these types of girls but I imagine some of it comes through when I feel some type of way, it seems like once these girls are done its impossible for me to get them back even for sex, but yet whats with these dudes he keep smashing with no strings attached?

Any tips on how to stop being this way?