7 Signs She's Into You
So, you’re talking to a girl, and you’re trying to figure out: Does she like me, or is she just being polite?
I’ve had thousands of real-life conversations with women, and I’ve seen first-hand which of those turned into dates and something more. In this post, I’m going to break down a few key signs that can help you know if she’s into you.
1. Her Feet and Body Position
Let’s say you’re talking to a girl in real life - on the street, at a bar, wherever. A lot of guys focus on whether she’s facing them, but here’s a trick most people miss: her feet.
If her feet are pointing directly toward you, that’s a great sign. It means she’s comfortable, engaged, and wants to stay in the conversation.
But if her feet are at a 90-degree angle to yours - like she’s half-turned away - it usually means she’s just being polite but looking for an exit. Her body might still be facing you, but if her feet are angled away, she’s likely thinking about leaving.
2. She Crosses Her Legs
If a girl crosses her legs while talking to you, that’s another positive sign. Why? Because it means she’s getting comfortable.
Think about it: If someone’s looking to leave a conversation, they don’t cross their legs - they keep themselves ready to move. But if she crosses her legs, she’s subconsciously settling in, meaning she enjoys being there with you.
3. Eye Contact
Eye contact is one of the strongest indicators of attraction. If she’s holding strong eye contact, that’s a huge green flag.
Now, some girls are naturally shy. So, if you lock eyes and she quickly looks away but with a smile, that still means she likes you - she’s just a little nervous.
But if she’s actively avoiding eye contact and not smiling, that’s a bad sign. It means she’s not really interested and might be waiting for the conversation to end.
4. She’s Curious About You (And Asks Follow-Up Questions)
A girl who likes you will want to know more about you.
Let’s say she asks, “Where are you from?” If you answer, “Spain,” and she just nods and moves on, she was probably just being polite.
But if she digs deeper - like, “Oh, Spain! How do you like it here?” or “What brought you here?” - that means she’s genuinely curious. The more questions she asks, and the deeper they go, the more interested she is in you as a person.
5. She Smiles (Genuinely)
Smiling is one of the easiest tells. If she’s smiling naturally and frequently, that’s a great sign.
But here’s the key: Is it a real smile or a forced one? A forced smile is usually tight, brief, and doesn’t reach the eyes - it’s the kind of smile people use when they’re being polite but want to leave.
A genuine smile, on the other hand, is more relaxed, lasts longer, and lights up her face. If you see that, she’s enjoying the interaction.
6. Her Overall Energy and Body Language
Girls are actually very good at showing non-verbal intent.
She might not straight-up say, “I think you’re cute.” (it does happen but not so often). But she’ll show it in other ways - moving closer to you, leaning in, mirroring your gestures, maintaining eye contact.
If you notice her subtly gravitating toward you, that’s a strong indicator of attraction. And if you’re getting multiple signs at once - eye contact, smiles, curiosity, engaged body language - it’s even better.
7. The Ultimate Test: Asking Her Out
At the end of the day, all the signs in the world don’t matter if she won’t actually go out with you.
So, the final and most important step? Ask her out.
If she says yes right away, that’s a clear sign she likes you.
If she says “I’m not sure” or “Maybe another time”, it’s probably dead. She doesn’t dislike you, but she’s not interested enough to meet up.
If she says, “I’m busy for the next couple of weeks” but isn’t specific, that’s also not great. It usually means you’re not a priority.
But if she says something like, “I can do Monday or Wednesday next week” and sets a specific day, that’s the ultimate confirmation she’s into you.
Final Thoughts
The more of these signs you see together, the more likely it is that she’s into you. But the best way to find out for sure? Ask her out.
Don’t be the guy who just looks for signs but never makes a move. You can only truly find out by asking her out.