Cenk Uygur is actually delusional if he actually thinks that the GOP base are remotely anti war in any capacity

The thing about the republican base is that they're one of the most sycopanthic supporters of the military. They love the military. They're basically the very definition of military jangoism. When they do have any criticisms of the military is because they believe the military is NOT strong enough. They think the military is weak and a joke because of gay people, trans people, minorities, women and DEI being in the military. Both the republican politicians and their supporters both agree on having a strong and robust military. Republican support the military to please their defense contractors while the republican base support the military in order to threaten other countries into falling in line.

You can't be "anti war" and be a massive sycopath for the military. The only reason to support having a stronger and bloated military if you want to escalate as much as possible with other countries and to show how no one should mess with America unless if you wanted to be bombed off the map as much as possible. Which is interesting because there was a poll back then which showed that the democrats (59%) and independents (66%) were mixed on the Iraq war while the majority of the republicans were completely supportive of the war by 90% which is completely insane. Even as the time went on by the end of Bush's presidency only 17% of the democrats supported the Iraq war while 70% of republicans still supported the war on Iraq which is still insane regardless. Also you will notice a similar patter with the Afghanistan withdrawal because there's a poll where the majority the majority of democrats (70%) and Independents supported the Withdrawal while 64% of republicans opposed the withdrawal.

The republican base being anti war is an oxymoron. When Trump finally does a US intervention like in Palestine I bet you that the majority of republicans will fall in line like flocks and be a massive warhawks like you never seen before. I'm also sure that Cenk will then bring up a single token republican who oppose the war and be like "See the republican base are anti war" based on the fact that they had a single republican in their show speaking out against the war even thou they're not even the representative of all the republican base.