considering relocating to seattle and possibly biking to work
hi everyone,
I'm really enjoying reading the posts in this group - I'm a registered nurse considering hopping back on the bike to commute to work given how bad the traffic can get and I'm not sure if I want to use public transport since it seems like people have experienced more altercations and more so general harassment based on some recent posts I've seen. It also seems like a good way to be more fit while doing shift work. I'm planning to enroll in some classes to familiarize myself with safety and urban riding in Seattle.
Anyway, for planning's sake because I'm doing some deep dives to research this relocation, I'm considering the following routes
Beacon Hill - Harborview: i90 trail -> 12th av -> yesler -> broadway -> 9th where they supposedly have bike locks and all ~25 min
- yesler to 9th seems kind of busy and unsure if it would be doable as a newer urban rider?
Beacon Hill - Cherry Hill: Martin Luther King Jr (protected lanes) -> Cherry or Alder (residential road) ~20 min
N Belltown/LQA (on water) to Harbor view: Alaskan Way (new bike corridor?) -> Yesler -> Broadway
- do you ride on the sidewalk on Yesler? The bike lane looks very thin, especially during rush hour?
N Belltown/LQA - same route as above Alaskan -> Yesler -> 12th -> E Jefferson
thanks in advance!