BPW pricing— Am I getting ripped off?
Investing in my first BCD and this sub helped me land on a BPW setup! I rented one at my LDS and the owner took ~30 mins putting it together and fitting it to my size, answering all my questions, etc., seemed a good dude.
I think I’m ready to buy, but when we walked through the prices together it comes out much higher than I expected, about $1,000-1,300. Is this normal??
Broken down: 5.4lb SS DiveRite backplate- $190 DiveRite Single Tank Adapter- $63 DiveRite Harness (w/ chest strap)- $140 2 DiveRite weight pouches (20lb capacity)-$120 (I dive cold water) 2 Dive Rite CAM Strap 10lb weight pouches- $110 DiveRite CAM Strap- $40 Crotch strap- $10 Finally, he said wings range $350-600
Thoughts? Thanks!!