Will chanting om cure my memory loss?

I am 23 years old and have a problem with memory loss and confidense. I forget small things , sometimes mistake one key for another, forget what i was thinking just then and sometimes blackout in the middle of the sentences. I also suffer from a huge lack of self confidence while talking to people that i am meeting for the forst time or during an interview. Its mostly me being unalble to make eye contact and being nervous while talking to others so much so that i stammer during speech. Now instead of getting psychiatric help my father suggests me to chant om whose vibrations are supposed to kill all my ailments and cure my condition. Because of it i am woken up at 4 or 4:30 in the morning and chant it 108 times. I sleep at 2 pm everytime cause i have work hense i feel sleep deprived. I feel suffocated. Its always been like this in my house some run off the mill method that is supposed to help me is forced upon me if i succeed all credits go to that and when i fail it somehow becomes my fault.