Whats the worst med youve been on?

Theres a lot of shitty meds out there but for me, it's Risperidone, hands down. I was put on it in a psych ward, and it immediately started causing problems. It made my arm tense up and do these weird, bendy, uncontrollable movements, and of course, it had to be the arm I had hurt myself on, so it was painful and annoying as hell to where I was literally crying on the floor, and the staff was very dismissive.

It also made me feel like a zombie. I could barely think, barely feel anything, and my whole body felt extremely heavy. Plus, my tongue kept randomly sticking out, and I wouldn’t even notice it until someone pointed it out. And don’t even get me started on the weight gain, I put on 20lbs in just a few months.

So yeah, Risperidone was the worst one for me. What about you? What’s the worst med you’ve ever been on, and what side effects made it so bad?