are those schizophrenia simulation yt vids accurate?

i think i might have been having psychosis for a few years or maybe longer, i wasn’t sure until recently when i started having more obvious hallucinations. however i looked up psychosis/schizophrenia simulations and it was nothing like i have? there were like 100 different noises and voices at once and the visuals looked like someone on hallucinogenics. is this what it’s like for you? i’m so sorry if it is accurate that’s awful. for me it’s just like at a random point in the day i’ll hear a little girl or a woman screaming and knocking on the door for help, which lasts maybe half an hour then there’s a gap, then maybe later i’ll feel bugs crawl on me, then maybe later hear a baby cry right outside my window in the middle of the night or my mum knocking/calling my name when she didn’t etc. it’s never constant or as intense. i know that everyone kinda hears things sometimes so does this just sound like the normal amount of hallucinations?

btw ik there is more to schizophrenia than hallucinations, i have all negative symptoms and maybe other positive symptoms which is why i am researching into it. i might talk to my doctor but i’m hesitant cuz i’m already being threatened with hospitalization for mental health.