7 Days Of Hell (HBO)
I'll cut to the chase: Please give me recommendations for movies adjacent to 7 Days of Hell.
This move is brilliant. So many alum. It's filled to the brim with dry, witty, rauncy, british-american comedy complete with reliable characters from real life. The production is phenomenal, great editing and scoring - not to mention hilarious B-roll - this short mockumentary has it all.
I feel like I stumbled across a true gem. Watch it if you haven't, then come back to this post with recommendations. Please.
I respectfully ask you don't suggest the typical movies produced by LM (Superstar, Coneheads, Rox ury, Wayne's), I purely want to see passion projects made for fucks-sake. The more obscure, the better.
TLDR: I thought 7 Days was brilliant, and I want to know what you think rivals this silly film. TIA!!!