Street parking quick rant
I just moved here a week ago, and my neighbor that lives in my building had the city give me a parking ticket for $108.00 for “obstruction of driveway” when it was only an inch away from their driveway. LITERALLY an inch. And there are no white parking lines designating the barrier. They also drive a car smaller than a sedan and had PLENTY of room to leave. That to say, I know I’m still in the wrong here, but the passive aggression just irks me. They could have so so easily still got out of their driveway, or wrote a note on my car, or come to me directly rather than just conspiring to plant a fat ticket on my dashboard. Maybe the person didn’t realize that the car they got ticketed was someone who lives right below them?? I’m going to try to give them the benefit of the doubt especially besides I’m the newbie here. But is this normal behavior in SF? I would’ve happily moved the car if I knew. If I run into them, I plan on killing them with kindness and telling them they can always come to me directly if there’s a problem.