A35 vs a55

Hey ive been thinking about buying a samsung after 15 years of using only apple products. The main reason is to save money so im thinking about these two options. I googled both and found an article that said that a55 front camera has a beauty filter which cant be turned off? Is this true? I bought a samsung once when i was in high school and i had the beauty filter and i was so disappointed. I ended up selling the phone. Now if they still have it in their new models too im not buying it😅 A35 is cheaper too yes but people say it has heating issues. I use my phone a lot i scroll on tiktok and make tiktoks etc but i dont play much so is the a35 better then? I hope someone could tell me cause i cant find any answers and i cant even go see those phones irl and test them cause they dont have those on display ugh.