Career Pivot - Big4 to Sales

Job #1 - Financial Advisory at Big 4. - $130K base + 6-8% bonus every year. Promotion to manager in August, which would bump base to $150K. Find the work very boring and dry even though I'm decent at it, 50 hours a week annualized on average. Very stable job, paycheck, and predictable schedule.

Job #2 - Sales (Business Development) at a midsize talent solutions firm in finance and accounting. - $90K base + $25K performance incentives + commission. Lots of unpredictability with sales inherently. Would estimate anywhere from 15K-45K in commission in my first year.

I have my CPA and have excelled in the Big 4, but find the work I do extremely mind-numbing and feel like sales fits my personality better. I have experience in consumer/retail sales so not going completely blind into it, but not in the F&A industry.

Understand it will still be really hard and take alot of work. Hard to stomach a potential 40% pay cut in base salary. Anyone make a similar move? Thoughts? Located in Chicago for reference.