Episode 11 tomfoolery
This episode really showed where the judge’s priorities lie unfortunately because there were many placements I just didn’t agree with this episode. In my opinion the top 3 of this episode was Onya Lana and Suzie, I personally thought suzie won this episode hands down as she had the timing down, the voice , the movements, everything was perfect, and on the runway oh my lord it was amazing. Onya did second best in this challenge in my opinion, and on the runway her outfit was giving black and grey not black and white and there was barely any grey. I thought Lana did really good this episode tbh and I don’t understand the critique that Onya “Steamrolled” her at all cause they were pretty close in terms of how funny they were. Now for the bottom three it should’ve most definitely been jewels,Lexi, and Lydia. I would probably pick Lydia and jewels to lip-sync as I think Lexi had more funny moments than jewels though I was so confused when they gave Lexi her critiques and said she did great when they literally laughed more and harder at Lana’s performance then they did for hers. Now in the actual lipsync Lydia was eating Lana up in the first half while Lana pretty much did the exact same moved we’ve seen from her this entire time. I saw a comment that said “Lana didn’t send Lydia home, those scissors did” and I’d have to agree because honestly Lydia could’ve beat Lana in that tight ass dress if she didn’t try to cut it. I’m so sad to see Lydia go even if it was inevitable , she was a queen on this season who has something we have never seen before and will never see again, I wish the best for her!
This episode really showed where the judge’s priorities lie unfortunately because there were many placements I just didn’t agree with this episode. In my opinion the top 3 of this episode was Onya Lana and Suzie, I personally thought suzie won this episode hands down as she had the timing down, the voice , the movements, everything was perfect, and on the runway oh my lord it was amazing. Onya did second best in this challenge in my opinion, and on the runway her outfit was giving black and grey not black and white and there was barely any grey. I thought Lana did really good this episode tbh and I don’t understand the critique that Onya “Steamrolled” her at all cause they were pretty close in terms of how funny they were. Now for the bottom three it should’ve most definitely been jewels,Lexi, and Lydia. I would probably pick Lydia and jewels to lip-sync as I think Lexi had more funny moments than jewels though I was so confused when they gave Lexi her critiques and said she did great when they literally laughed more and harder at Lana’s performance then they did for hers. Now in the actual lipsync Lydia was eating Lana up in the first half while Lana pretty much did the exact same moved we’ve seen from her this entire time. I saw a comment that said “Lana didn’t send Lydia home, those scissors did” and I’d have to agree because honestly Lydia could’ve beat Lana in that tight ass dress if she didn’t try to cut it. I’m so sad to see Lydia go even if it was inevitable , she was a queen on this season who has something we have never seen before and will never see again, I wish the best for her!