I can see the veterans aren't thrilled right now, but I just thought I'd say that for this new player RS3 has been a great time so far.

I started playing a couple of weeks ago at my partner's suggestion because we enjoyed OSRS in the past but found it too grindy. RS3 has been a blast for me and I've enjoyed the modernised mechanics and the general vibe of the game, which feels very smooth while still maintaining the soul of what makes Runescape Runescape. I guess I don't have too much to add beyond that, it's been a bit unfortunate to join the game and be having a great time only to check into the online community and see so much dissatisfaction - I can understand why of course, but it's a shame sentiment and the state of the game are where they are and I hope things can take a positive turn. For now I have a world of content ahead of me and look forward to enjoying the game.