How to talk to guys at the gym?

I was an “ugly duckling” growing up so I never really had much experience dating in middle school/high school compared to the rest of my peers, I started dating when I was 18-19 and had my first kiss at 20 (I am 23 now).

Unfortunately, dating apps have been a mixed bag for me, as I mostly dealt with misses more than hits. I’m reasonably attractive (one would even call me slightly above average) and it seems as if most of the guys that go out of their way to pursue me on dating apps don’t seem to be taking care of their appearance. Out of frustration, I deleted them all, and decided to give IRL dating a try.

However, because of my autist tendencies (not just saying that bc I’m ~quirky~ I’ve legitimately been professionally diagnosed) I have trouble approaching guys IRL, and I’ve seldom had a guy approach me. I just assumed it was because of the current political climate as they didn’t want to be perceived as creeps.

Now, someone suggested that I go to my local gym for talking to guys. Today, this attractive guy was working out right next to me, and he kept giving me glances. I’ve felt tempted to make some small talk with him, or say goodbye when he left, but I didn’t want to come across as overbearing, or interrupt his workout. Any advice? I know it’s not “ladylike” to chat up a guy first but to be frank I don’t know how longer I can take being lonely.