Numbers have subjugated humanity

Everything must be quantified and qualified. All anyone sees is NUMBERS NUMBERS NUMBERS. People have become numbers. What’s your body count? How hot is she? How much money do you make? Numbers are evil. Numbers have enslaved us all and nobody cares. Gone is the human spirit. Gone is free will. We must now act within the confines of the numbers. Not enough money in your bank account? Work more hours! Don’t fuck more than X dudes or you’re a slut! NUMBERS NUMBERS NUMBERS. Me personally I would bang a 4 but only if I’m wasted or she has a 9 or 10 personality, but if she’s into Kendrick or Charli XCX bro… Fantardo gave them 10s bro. They’re the best. Personally I’d give his most recent album a light 7 but I can understand the hype. Wanna get tickets to the show bro? I can’t dawg they’re too expensive I can’t afford that. NUMBERS NUMBERS NUMBERS.