Having an ED to avoid the male gaze

TW: sexual content, discussion of porn

Idk if I am allowed to talk about this stuff on here, but I have been inspired by the recent post I think on main sub talking about how porn-brained so many men are, and I think the discourse there was pretty surprisingly positive. Recently, I have been noticing so many men justify their addictions to porn both in person and online. All the men I have dated have been porn addicts at some point in their life. I hate how people deny that porn is dehumanizing, that it tends to commodify the female-presenting body, and that it is deemed normal that most men are addicted to it and if they have partners, they tend to have a whole Madonna-wh*** complex about it all (like a false sense of separation between porn stars and their partners). It makes me feel horrible, like i don’t have control and autonomy over my body because the world we live in is just geared towards the judgement and sexualization of my body. I have considered identifying as asexual at some point, but I think this aversion to sex is not innate, but rather it comes directly from the horrible relationship I have to my body because of how so many men in my life view women. And it makes me want to get so skinny to the point where I am not perceived at all by men, in any way. I am at such a loss. Is this at all relatable to anyone…