Roommate keeps claiming bedbugs

Back in December/January I was away on a trip, when I got back my roommate said she had gotten a bedbug bite. But couldn't find any bugs. So we scheduled a treatment with our apartment building and I had to pack my life away in garbage bags for a month. I spent $50 heat treating all my clothes/bedding/pillows by putting them in the dryer. Which also ruined many of my things because the dryer literally melted some of my pillows and stuffed animals leaving black melted residue on a bunch of stuff. The treatment was a spray, wait two weeks, another spray, wait two weeks then you can open your heat treated bags. The guy doing the treatment said he didn't notice any evidence of bedbugs. My roommate was gone for the entirety of the first two weeks, I was sick to the point of not leaving bed other than to make tea and snacks, couldn't go to school, work, anything. We got to the point where it's been two weeks after the last treatment. I just worked an ungodly amount of hours in the last 4 days and I'm exhausted. I spent a good 5h while my roommate was at her partner's apartment last night emptying my bags of everything. Folding and putting away my clothes etc. She comes to me this morning as I'm about to do laundry and says she found another bedbug bite. That we need to do treatment again. I leave for another trip in TWO DAYS. I want to tell her she's fucking paranoid or getting them from somewhere else and that I'm not spending a stupid amount of money on laundry and living in garbage bags for another month and a half to satisfy her paranoia. That she needs to get checked out by a doctor or spend $300 to have a dog come in to check for bedbugs on her dime before I do anything to prepare the apartment for another treatment. I just fixed my room back up, I'm paying over $1000 a month to live without any of my stuff and in garbage bags!