my roommate is driving me crazy

Let me just preface by saying her and I have two completely different living styles. I am a neat freak and I don’t think I’ve seen her floor more than once in her room since we moved in over a year ago.

I genuinely don’t think she was taught how to be clean and pretty sure she only showers once a week. I have taken on the responsibility of the cleaning. I vaccum, mop, wipe the counters, reorganize etc. literally everything. After a few months living together, I told her nicely that I don’t mind being the one to do most of the cleaning since I work from home but I would just appreciate if she could keep it clean as long as possible. She said sorry and that she would work on it.

Since that conversation I have asked her to rewash dishes with food and grease still all over them that are on the drying rack, chocolate chips on the ground, a cracker w honey all over the ground, leftover food all in the drying rack. She makes a mess on the stove and counter, tells me that she cleans it but clearly it’s not. I’ve told her to please rinse her dishes before putting them in the dishwasher because it doesn’t clean the best. Despite my efforts, nothing changes.

On top of this, her and her boyfriend constantly hog the shared living space, play TV super loud til 12AM on work nights. My boyfriend and I literally have to eat in my room some nights which sucks, bc who wants their room to smell like food. She is never not on the phone with it on speaker phone, is so loud in the morning before she leaves for work it wakes . But I haven’t brought these points up bc I feel like I just need to let it go.

I’m seriously at a loss and don’t know what to do. We share dishes and she uses my pots and pans. Every time I try to bring stuff up and ask super nicely, she gets all defensive, says she’s trying and doesn’t mean to. I’m just so tired of having to pick up after someone. I want to bring it up again but feel like it’s pointless. When I hear her cooking, I literally start getting so annoyed bc I know the mess is waiting for me to be cleaned up. We have less than a year left and I can’t wait.