Six Flags Fiesta Texas after the death of Kingda Ka
Iron Rattler: I am heartbroken about this news 💔💔💔
Superman Krypton Coaster: I know Iron Rattler, This did not just happend.
Goliath: Who in their right mind want's Richard to tell CDI to Implode the star attraction of six flags great adventure, Kingda Ka!!!
Poltergeist: That is Bullcrap
Boomerang: Coast to Coaster: I am going to Punch the CEO'S Face so hard, that it will be red for a week
Road Runner Express: What kind of sick Idea is this!?
Bugs' White Water Rapids: And this gone so virual online, Like what were they thinking?
Wonder Woman Golden Lasso Coaster: I did not see this coaster man.
Pandemonium: Like what the sigma!?
Batgirl Coaster Chase: I hate this new CEO.