Review and retrospect on The Black Parade by My Chemical Romance, and the “hidden meaning” behind the album that makes it sublime
Firstly, the album is here on Spotify, and here on YouTube (plus 2 bonus tracks at the end)
To start, The Black Parade by My Chemical Romance is by far my favorite album of all time. I don’t even listen to music like this, and I’ve never listened to anything else MCR has put out since TBP. I exclusively listen to rap, and specifically - lyrical rap that tells a story. I love them both for this reason.
So… the so-called “hidden meaning” behind the album, drumroll please… It’s about a patient in a hospital dying of cancer! Well, that’s kind of depressing.
This album was written as a concept album, where a single story is told all the way through. MCR went deep with this, to the point that when they were touring, they didn’t even go by their traditional band name, they toured as “The Black Parade”, which was essentially an alter-ego of these paraders who guide others to death. A lot of people apply the bands “emo genre” tag onto this album which I think is unfair given the context. There’s really only one song in the whole album that could be considered “emo”, and that’s “I don’t love you”, which talks of the cancer patients' partner leaving him because he is dying. This is an incredibly unfair classification because I think anyone would be a little “emo” given those circumstances.
Before I begin I must explain first: There are two characters that sing throughout this album, they’re both performed by the great Gerard Way, but TBP is a story told from the perspective of the patient who’s dying from cancer, and from Death himself. And you can tell who’s speaking in which parts in specific songs. If the song opens with acoustic, or simple chords, then you’re listening to the patient. For the most part - If it starts with metal or parade instrumentals, then it’s one of Death’s songs. They come one after another, with the patient presenting a thought, and the next song is Death’s rebuttal. This isn’t to say that death doesn’t cut the patient off at some points, but you’ll still be able to tell when this happens because of the tonal shift. The tracks are not in chronological order, and I believe the order they actually go in looks something like this:
The End.
The Sharpest Lives
House of Wolves
I Don’t Love You
This is How I disappear
Famous Last Words
Welcome to the Black Parade
What better place to begin than “The End.”, track number one in the album. When the track opens, the first thing you hear is beeping monitors and hospital equipment, followed by acoustics and soft music. This means the track is from the perspective of the patient. The patient opens by talking about his life and the fact that he is now dying.
“Dead!” Almost immediately Death cuts him off, quite literally mid-chorus - to announce himself and make a bombastic presence known. He comes across as crude and mocking. Even repeating in the final chorus “If life ain’t just a joke then why are we laughing”
“Teenagers” This song may fool you at the first listen based on my rule of “acoustic or metal”, BUT this song is definitely not Death, because nothing said makes sense coming from his side of the story. Instead, I believe this track is a callback to before the patient received his diagnosis, back when he had his vigor and angst. It almost paints the image that he was rather rebellious, hateful, violent, etc. - It sets up the life of the patient. It doesn’t at all resemble the current circumstance of someone dying in a hospital… because he’s not yet.
“The Sharpest Lives” This is Death's comment on “Teenagers”. Death in this song speaks on the nature of how people live their lives, how they’re reckless, don’t appreciate life, etc. - it also paints the image that Death believes the patient deserves what he’s going through.
“Cancer” This is when the patient fully realizes his circumstances, and arguably is the saddest song on the album, as it’s just a reflection of someone dying from cancer. I don’t believe we are quite in the patients' point of acceptance yet, but that changes as we approach the main conflict. Most people aren’t ready for death, let alone a young person either in their teens or very early twenties. This track is a total perspective shift for the patient, and he adopts a much more somber tone that he lacked in “Teenagers”
“House of Wolves” Death once again comes in with a rebuttal. Acting just as you would expect him to. He refers to judgment quite a lot in this song, or in other words, what happens to you once you die. He goes back and forth talking about being a good person and a bad person. He’s even heard mocking religious overtones showing a complete disregard for life and sanctity. He at one point spells the word sin over and over showing that just because the patient is sad now and dying, it won’t save him from judgment in the end for his previous lifestyle.
“I Don’t Love You” The reason I said “Cancer” is ARGUABLY the saddest song on the album is because of this song right here. The patients' significant other leaves him because he’s dying of cancer. This brings up the horrible idea that if these people are just kids, or very close to it - then what kind of emotional burden is that to put on the partner to watch someone you love die of cancer, but at the same time - what a burden it is on the patient to be left alone in his final moments.
“This Is How I Disappear” Death mocks the patient for dying alone with no one there to be with him. He also mocks the patient with how he treated people in life. Something extremely important in this track shows itself in the last verse. Up until this point, there has been this complete charisma and charm to Death as if nothing can touch him - but when the instruments drop, it's almost like Death is screaming and starting to lose it a little bit. He begins to crack a little bit. He sees someone who's young, dying alone, and it starts to get to him. Now you may be wondering why that would affect Death, as he has done this countless times. Let's find out in Death's rebuttal after "Disenchanted".
"Disenchanted" The title for this track fits the theme perfectly. He was a kid who didn't appreciate life, just like so many others. Now he has to face reality all at once, then the person he loves leaves him. Everything around him has fallen apart, and he's simply disenchanted with it all.
"Mama" If Death is a wayward soul that at some point in the past became lost, then this is the story of how it happened. Immediately in the beginning of this song you hear the sounds of bombs whistling through the air and exploding on the ground which paints the picture of a soldier at war, specifically World War I. I say WWI because there are a lot of elements in the lyrics that point to this war specifically. In the verses, you can hear that Death is mad and upset, and he hates himself. Air raid sirens take over the instrumentals at one point, and you can hear him crying and screaming out for his mother - She then speaks back to him. Death's instrumentals cut her off and rise back up almost as if there's an orchestra behind him - seemingly the souls of his dead brethren around him. The song closes with strings playing and the crying of his mother echoes her young sons' loss at war. This song is Death's version of "Teenagers". It shows what his life was like before death, and just as the patient dies alone, Death also died alone. Both were young, not in control of their situations, as another statistic. If anything justifies Deaths' change of heart, it's this.
"Sleep" This is where the patient enters the acceptance phase. He understands now that he must die, and that he has done wrong in his life, and that's okay. Toward the end of the song as the patient is slipping away, if you listen very very closely, you can hear Death masked behind all of the instrumentals screaming at him to wake up. This is obviously a huge tonal shift for Death, as up until "This Is How I Disappear" he was very angry, and against the patient, we now see Death begging him to hold on. This apparently works, as in the next track, they confront each other directly and argue.
"Famous Last Words" The song opens with Death's side of the argument, "Now, I know that I can't make you stay, but where's your heart?", and for the first time, the patients' rebuttal, "I am not afraid to keep on living, I am not afraid to walk this world alone", Death remarks, "Honey, if you stay you'll be forgiven", and the patient fires back once again, "Nothing you can say can stop me going home". We see this going back and forth in this sort of dualism. It's also sad if you think about it as Death being this lost kid who died in this completely senseless way just like the patient. It's like he's pushing the patient to fight because he himself never could. The patient ultimately passes on with judgment left up to interpretation for the listener to decide if he went to Heaven or Hell.
"Welcome to the Black Parade" So... Where are we? The patient has gone from hateful and angry at everything, to sadness, to accepting his situation. Death himself has gone from being cruel and non-caring toward human life, to sympathizing with the patient in the end. So, it doesn't seem like there's much left to do other than throw him a parade. This track acts as a sendoff for our main character. Death is the only character left now, and his outlook on everything has changed drastically, so the tone of this song is similar to the acoustics and light listening accustomed to the patient. It's time for the patient to go and join The Black Parade. The tune rises, Death uses all of his resources available, strings, cymbals crashing, brass, everything - all to escort the patient into the afterlife, and concluding with the fact that we'll carry on and always have the memory of those who go before us.
The reason all of these songs have to be in this specific order is because they are all so great even alone. They can all act on their own messages and be transcribed as something totally different. It's the context of the songs all lined up that tells the story. "Teenagers" is an excellent ballad for teenage rebellion. "House of Wolves" can be translated as a song talking about running from the law, or just talking about a carefree spirit. "I Don't Love You" could be a generic breakup song. "Dead!" sounds like a fighter's ballad, the whole "dead already" ideology.
The Black Parade in my opinion is a timeless classic, and it will always be at the top of my list whenever anyone asks what my absolute favorite album is.