AWP is Officially Detected

Do not inject AWP under any circumstances. Roblox has begun a banwave which includes instant terminations. From now on, exploiting is a major risk and you should strictly stick to externals. We will not experience 1d, 3d and 7d bans anymore and instead there would be instant terminations.

What to use:

Melatonin (External, private, monthly subscription, LOTS and I mean LOTS of support for games, extremely active staff that will fix issues in literal minutes)

DX9WARE (External, public, monthly subscription, developer is very busy with school so don’t expect meaningful updates)

Photon (External, public, lifetime, slightly pasted which raises concerns)

Matrix Hub (External, public, lifetime, very cheap and very buggy)

Severe (External, public, lifetime, decently priced, decent support)

Matcha (External, public, lifetime, lots of malware allegations)

Isabelle (External, public, lifetime, incompetent developers, staff team’s a joke, exit scammed Celex by ditching it and working on Isabelle instead making Celex a waste of money)

Executors should be considered a no-go until Hyperion is fully bypassed, bitdancer hinted there is more to Hyperion than we previously thought and we should take our time waiting for competent developers to come into the Roblox scene and get us out of this mess. (Melatonin is available and they are competent developers who make cheats for games like BO6, Valorant [WIP], Fivem and CS2 but is private which is a turn-off for most).

What we learned: Avoid future Krampus rebrands, as competent as they are and as knowledgeable they may be with Hyperion, they cannot fully bypass it; do not fall for it again.

Update: There is a theory going around that the detection was related to the internal UI. People are saying those who used it and had it on got banned, whilst those who didn’t remained safe.