Fellow healers, I’m calling for a STRIKE!

The absolute toxicity from people in this game has to stop. Recently I was in a game where someone threatened to kill me and my family - all because of a perceived lack of healing. From the second I picked Rocket it was non-stop abuse which eventually evolved into threats to kill me and my family (see clip).

NetEase doesn’t seem to want to do anything about it because the reports against these players went unanswered so I’m calling the community to action.

Until this abuse and harassment (calling it toxic doesn’t do it justice) is curbed I’m calling for all healers and supports to go on General Strike! No more healing until working conditions improve!

Treat your healer, and fellow players, with RESPECT. Stop blaming healers every time you die. Stop blaming healers when you walk into a 5v1 and get melted. Stop saying “gg heals” when you’re a 3 and 8 diving DPS. Stop saying “not enough heals!” while not switching to healer yourself.

Enough is enough. And this goes beyond just attacking healers. The negative behavior and constant blame shifting is just too much. I don’t want to have to turn comms off, but a lot of these players force you to do just that. People shouldn’t have to put up with harassment and abuse when playing a video game.