Can we get an IP ban on these guys?

I just played a game with these dudes, 1st_tower_down and 2nd_tower_down.

At least a hundred N bombs in voice chat. Constant racist rhetoric. "Heil Hitler"... The whole shebang.

There is no room for that in this game. I am super happy with the game, but this behavior needs to be addressed.

Edit: Sorry ya'll, here's the context.

Edit 2:

I see where this is going.

Sure I could have taken a screenshot, but I didn't. It wouldn't have provided more evidence for my claim.

I used the report system, and a 15-minute ban does not seem acceptable, IMO.

Yes, gaming has had a history of hate speech in voice lobbies. That doesn't mean that it was ok.

Yes, I am aware that this is just a claim from a random to all of us who don't have access to the voice recording. If I could record it, I would have. The Rivals team supposedly records the voice audio.

Yes, I am aware that there is a mute button. I occasionally use it.

Sorry if the post rubs ya'll the wrong way.