Unpopular opinion: there are only 3 ways to play risk of rain 2
Alright yall ready to chug down that haterade? I have 600 hours of gameplay and firmly believe this.
The only ways to play risk of rain 2
- Be a heavy hitter like Loader and get a bunch of bands, will o whisps, gas, or other 100% proc on X thing items and maybe sprinkle on some lunar items
- Be a fast firing character like double nail gun multe or command and stack bleed, sticky bombs, etc. and maybe sprinkle on some lunar items. I will sorta put acrid in this category too with acid.
- Get lucky on any character and get great greens and reds and maybe sprinkle on some lunar items.
Edit: Bonus 4. Wreck the game with the new DLC items and combine it with one of the other 3.
Hate on me. Throw your worst. Prove me wrong.
I'll throw in another bonus round to get hate on more.
Unstable Tesla is the best item hands down because it is always good on every character at any point in any run.