How on earth do you play huntress well solo?

Seriously, I've been trying to get mastery on her but it feels like I'm just hitting my head against a wall until i finally get lucky enough with items to carry me through (as an aside I have all her alternate abilities). My past 6 or so runs have been truly awful. At first I took it slowish like I usually do, spending 6-8 minutes on even the early stages to grab as many items as I can. By stage 4 it felt really bad, it took forever to kill anything and while my mobility was good-ish, it usually only took one mistake to just end me. I gotta say, running around massive groups of constantly spawning enemies and slowly whittling them down is a truly, truly horrible experience, and one I seem to get most consistently with Huntress. It also runs the timer up, it feels like I complete stages faster with lower mobility but higher damage characters. Also, I was getting no syringe priners, no crit glass printers, very few on death effect items. If I were any other character i feel like I could at least get by.

So I started reading around the web and the advice some people were giving were things like "Spend 3-4 minutes MAX on the early stages on Huntress." Alright, so I tried doing that. It takes 90 seconds ALONE to charge the teleporter. Combine that with having to find and travel to the teleporter first, Huntress auto aim stealing shots away from the boss (and her lowish damage in general), having to exit the arena a couple times to escape danger, and now the new healing elites... IDK how the FUCK people are completing stages with Huntress so fast. I honestly did worse rushing than when I was taking my time.

I'm at my ends here. I honestly think I truly hate this character. Tell me why I'm bad. WHAT IS THE SECRET TO THIS FREAKING CHARACTER MAN?? Or do I just need to hope for good RNG/play with friends?

edit: bonus video: