Fun addition to Lonelywood

Just had one of the most fun sessions I've had with my group, partly because of the residual craziness from the prior session (involved the druid seducing the white moose) and because of the additional encounter I added to give the rest of the party something to do while waiting for the druid (absent this session but in game currently off screen "distracting" the moose). Had heard about someone doing an encounter based off the "Cannibal Shia LeBeouf" song, and figured the Lonelywood was the perfect time to do it.

Had them run the encounter then listen to the song, and the party loved it. Watching their faces as they listened to the song narrate what they had done almost to a T was amazing, only parts that didn't match the song was that instead of sneaking up behind him and strangling him the party lured him out instead. And yes that includes the severed leg from a bear trap thanks to their new mummy companion Sahnar...

The Rogue took his knife afterward, which I'm planning to make a cursed weapon. It'll seem like a magic dagger that just does some extra necrotic damage and can give temp HP on a critical (equal to the necrotic damage dealt). But the temp HP received will also be the DC for a roll to see if the PC becomes Shia LaBeouf. The PC would have 30HP and revert back with their original health after being downed as Shia. Their character is a doppelganger (unknown to the party) and I loved the idea of doing something to play off this. Thoughts?

Update: Also forgot the centaur barbarian has the pirate cannibal secret, so some fun RP to have when the party goes to tell the missing party member about what happened!