Advice for Lonelywood
So the druid in my group had the idea to wildshape into a moose and pretend to be another awakened moose, which worked quite well. Needing to distract it for the rest of the party as well as get some info from it, the decision was made to seduce the moose... which due to a series of rolls in the players favor (as well as some great roleplayed distraction the one time it almost heard the unstealthy barbarian) resulted in the player and moose being "preoccupied" for up to an hour (determined by the final roll being for # min as a d6×10)
While this distraction was going on the rest of the party investigated the tomb and baited the Frost druid out and ambushed her. A grapple from the baralbarian followed by the Rogue tying her up resulted in an interrogation rather then combat. Session ended with with awakened shrub trying ro sneak up to free it's master but getting noticed.
So at this point either they are going to deal with the Frost druid somehow (combat or handimg over to the town guards maybe?), but what consequences would this have with the white moose? How difficult should it be to try and negotiate with it to stop attacks on the loggers, impossible or just have to give a good enough alternative? If they do negotiate should the moose have an effect on the dragon attack later?