Does anyone else not realize that Mr. Poopybutthole of all people did the thing that the entire Galactic Federation couldn’t?
Seriously, am I missing something? Rick seems to be pretty protective of his portal gun, and the only time I remember it ever being taken from him by someone other than a Rick against his will was when Morty snatched it during Get Schwifty.
So the fact that one of them was claimed to have been “stolen” by Mr. Poopybutthole seems like a pretty bug deal. I literally had to rewatch the scene to make sure he said “stole” instead of “got” (as if Rick lent it to him to help him out or something) but nope he said stole. Even if he’s a “longtime family friend” Rick doesn’t seem like the type of person to let portal technology just leak out into the world like that.
And why did he throw the gun into the portal with the other version of himself whose life with Amy he stole? Couldn’t this version use the gun to come back. And I know the real answer to this is comedic effect, but he could’ honestly chosen a universe where he happened to die like in Rick Potion #9
And where even is he in this picture? A tiny jail cell?
Seriously, am I missing something? Rick seems to be pretty protective of his portal gun, and the only time I remember it ever being taken from him by someone other than a Rick against his will was when Morty snatched it during Get Schwifty.
So the fact that one of them was claimed to have been “stolen” by Mr. Poopybutthole seems like a pretty bug deal. I literally had to rewatch the scene to make sure he said “stole” instead of “got” (as if Rick lent it to him to help him out or something) but nope he said stole. Even if he’s a “longtime family friend” Rick doesn’t seem like the type of person to let portal technology just leak out into the world like that.
And why did he throw the gun into the portal with the other version of himself whose life with Amy he stole? Couldn’t this version use the gun to come back. And I know the real answer to this is comedic effect, but he could’ honestly chosen a universe where he happened to die like in Rick Potion #9
And where even is he in this picture? A tiny jail cell?