The three most culturally significant consoles of all time.

I was thinking about what the three most culturally significant consoles of all time were. And my answer was this:


At the time the NES was such a huge cultural phenomenon that no one could have missed it. It was the most sold console at the time and nothing was even close. Kids today know (and sometimes plays and enjoys) what a NES is and recognize the controller. The NES had a Huge impact, not only in gaming community, but in society in general.


Sony came from nowhere in the console industry and blew all competition away in the 90s. It was the first home console to sell over 100 millions. And it was the first console that really made storytelling games and games for grownups.


Nintendos first handheld console was like the NES, “everyone” had one and even today everyone still easily recognizes the Gameboy.

That’s just my opinion. Three other consoles that could have been on this list are PS2, NDS and Nintendo Switch. Perhaps a top 5 with NES, Gameboy, PS1, PS2 and NDS would have been better :)

What’s your thoughts?

Edit: Thanks for your comments! It was very interesting to read. If I make a conclusion about the comments here I would make it a top 5 most cultural significant/influential consoles of all time:

• ⁠NES

• ⁠PS1

• ⁠PS2

• ⁠Atari 2600

• ⁠Wii

Wii could perhaps be replaced by some other console!