I guess Im over it

The obsessive thinking started fading away. Every now and then the images pop back in my head and I feel…nothing. I guess time really does make things better.

One thing I started thinking about after many of my friends told me is that the experiences our partners had in the past shaped them into the person they are today. They learned to love, what heartbreak feels like, how to be better in relationships, better in bed, to make better decisions overall .Think of the exes as their training ground.Ask yourself, would you like your partner back when he made the decisions they made back in the day? Would you rather have them now? What would change if they didn’t have experiences in the past? Would only RJ be erased or something else? Why obsess over a time in their life where you didn’t even exist, Im sure your partner would have chosen you if they knew you back then, but they needed experience so that you can have the best version of themselves. Thats the key, remember, you have the best version of them, not the people they slept with or had relationships/situationships/flings/benefits with. In the end you both have what you want now, so focus on the present and make a better future for both of you, let the past be the past, it happened, fuck it, whats done is done, lets choose a better future! <3