Holy shit some woman dropped a bottle of red wine and it smashed and got everywhere and we had to clean it up. She never apologised or anything. Then 15 minutes later two girls come up to the counter, and one of them is like "my friend just dropped a bottle of balsamic vinegar on the ground" I check and yup, there's vinegar all over the fucking floor. So now the shop reeks of vinegar and I have to clean it. Not to mention the girls making jokes at each other like "sorry, my friend has just ruined your night" like I get you THINK it's at your friend's expense but it's not, it's at my expense because I'm having a shitty anxious day and now I have to deal with this. I can't stand when people drop shit and don't even apologise. The other day I walked out to discover white wine all over the floor and a guy just goes "yeah, that was me" I'm like was it aye? And are you sorry at all or what?? I hate you I hate you