Have any of you noticed patient's commenting on Duoneb lately?
I have been an RT for over a decade. In the past I would have a few patients a year, maybe, who had never had a neb before (yay nebs for CHF wheezes) and they would comment on the taste. The patients were very few and far between.
The last 6 months or so I have had at least a couple people a week mention the terrible taste. I had a COPDer mention it as well. The person had been on duoneb for years and years. They stated they had notice a taste change in the last few months and I told her how I had experienced people saying that the taste was terrible more often. The patient was glad to hear it because they thought they were going crazy.
Another coworker who has done RT longer than me mentioned it too.
Anyone else seeing this? I wonder what would have changed.