Steph’s commentary and defensiveness
Do you find some of the things she tries to preemptively defend, with her voice over or video description, weird and illogical? Now I know she’s not the person I think of when I think of logic but am I going too far to think it shows just how lost she is/that she’s using.
When she brings up the cats or the ps5 it’s dumb but at least I know she gets hate for that so it’s on her mind when she’s talking.
Buuut back to the point, for example her latest post I read the description before watching and was confused at the “that’s why Drew handed out the donuts” and she felt the need to explain that they normally don’t have the special maple ones? Like … okay…..
What did she think she had to over explain about that part of the video? We were glad to see bunk beds and food being given out. It looks like over stimulation hell in there but..
Idk maybe this is small but I feel like this is another red flag that she’s using.