I need some serious advice !
Okay so i’ve been talking to this guy for 9 months, it was really good at first but then we kinda hit a bump and would argue here and there, on his end he got tired of it and called off us dating and ever since then i guess you could say it’s just been complicated. We are still talking and it’s practically like we are dating but we aren’t actually dating if that makes sense. He is not a bad person but he is a hypocrite and the type of person who will do whatever he wants but when it comes to you (me) i can’t do anything, a few weeks ago i had asked him if he was talking to other people and he said he was like he talks to people a lot and he admitted that he hung out with someone and i could swear he told me he slept with her and after that i kinda backed off and just gave him space but then i know it got him because he would text me and tell me he misses me and wants to see me but i would kinda just be short and i didn’t hang out with him and he just started getting jealous and thought i was going “hoe shit” and denied that he ever had sex with that gurl and said he hung with her once and never did again. we’re okay now but everytime i think of it i just don’t think it’s fair that he can flirt with other people all day and do what he wants but when it comes to me i can’t do anything and he gets jealous and upset. I love him and he tells me we could maybe date in the future and i want that so bad but i feel like i’m just setting myself up for failure and heartbreak i don’t know what to do guys :/ I wish i could explain it better but i feel like i believe him and that we will eventually start dating but i don’t know :(