My (M29) girlfriend (F27) expects a traditional provider men role (financially and emotionally) but doesn’t want to play the traditional women role.
She doesn’t enjoy cooking and cleaning, and she doesn’t want to be the primary caregiver for our future children. She expects to have full-time nannies and maids, which I hope I can provide, but I worry about what might happen if unexpected circumstances prevent me from doing so. She doesn’t have a clear idea of what she wants to do. Sometimes she says she wants to be a caretaker, but she doesn’t want to cook or clean, which seems confusing. She wants to stay out and do something, but it doesn’t necessarily have to be for financial reasons. I’m unsure how to interpret this. If I express my expectation that she should contribute in some way, I’m accused of expecting her to cook and clean, which is not what I intend. Does anyone have any thoughts, suggestions, recommended books, or relevant threads on this topic?