My (35F) tested positive for Chlamydia. Me (36M)
Me and my wife have been married since 2016, been dating since 2008, have two kids together one just turned 1 last month. This past Monday she received news from her doctor that she tested positive for Chlamydia. She immediately contacted me while I was working to give me the news (she seemed very shocked).
She had seen the doctor because she had been having pain down there and thought it might have been from changing tampon brands. She was given antibiotics that same day and has already started her treatment.
This morning we went together to get myself tested so we can find out if I have it too. I have also been having symptoms of discomfort that align to a similar time frame as her, so I’m very confident that my results will show positive.
During our entire relationship I have remained faithful so as you can imagine it’s hard for me not to want to point the finger. Since we found out, she has insisted that she has also remained faithful and has nothing to hide. I truly want to believe her because we have built such a beautiful life together (house, kids, friends etc). Her theory is that it came from me but from a previous relationship (17 years ago) which all of the research I have done shows that’s a very small chance if at all?
Last night I requested to look through her phone which she agreed. She unlocked it and handed it to me immediately but I didn’t end up doing it because I felt that her reaction answered my question if she had anything to hide on it.
This evening I asked her how she would feel about doing a polygraph test and she welcomed the idea, once again stating she has no secrets and this either had to come from me being unfaithful or it lying dormant.
A few months ago she got on a new gym craze and has been really committed to it (4/5 days a week). She typically will go after the kids are asleep and come home around midnight sometimes later. Since we found out about this situation she hasn’t missed a single gym night even on Monday when we found out about this. Whereas I can barely keep my head straight and function she seems to be handling it like nothing out of the ordinary. I know not everyone handles things the same and she has told me that she goes to the gym to help get her mind off it but it just seems that it’s not bothering her like it is me.
I have never caught her in any serious lies or had any real reasons to suspect her of cheating throughout our relationship. When we have talked about this situation she doesn’t seem like she is lying (normal eye contact, no fidgeting, no trying to change the subject, and as stated she hasn’t refused to agree to my requests for further digging).
I really don’t know where to go from here (with or without a positive test on my end) and seeking any advice on how I should move forward. Thank you.