My(23m) girlfriend(22f) blocked every girl on my Instagram while I was in the shower.

My gf and I started dating in Feb, and moved in together in October. I don't really have anything worth keeping secret from my her, so I'm comfortable leaving my phone around, knowing she knows my password. I noticed this morning that my Instagram follower count was off and noticed every female was unfollowed/blocked. These were all coworkers, friends I made in the army, and family friends, etc. I confronted her and she started crying and blaming it on trust issues. I have never cheated in any relationship and do my best to maintain mutual trust. I've been thinking all day while she's at work and feel like she broke my trust permanently. She also doesn't let me play videogames with my male friends anymore because she "feels left out".

TLDR My girlfriend went through my phone behind my back and blocked every female on my Instagram. Should I start planning my escape or give her another chance?

Edit: typos