Microsoft is actively trying to force people to dispose of perfectly valid hardware before they can upgrade because W11 needs some stupid chip that older computers don't have. I find it crazy that companies are constantly shit testing their customers and seeing what they can get away with.
It's like how Netflix will raise their prices because they studied that if they raise the cost 20%, 25% of the users will leave making them lose money. But if they raise it by 15% only 10% of the users will leave thus making them more than they lose.. every decision is calculated like this. Every time a product becomes worse it's not by chance, it has been previously tested in some sample population that represents the average consumer.
For example if you want to test a new product you test it in Domtronsundfjordvik, Norway because it's a city with a population of 5000 and they all have middle class income and you can test you new stupid feature and it approximates the average American consumer good enough.
What this all shows is that consumers overall (at least the group that interests corporations) are becoming increasingly more stupid and lowering the bar. All products, all services will continue to become worse and people will just take it.
This post is not about Microsoft. This post is about how we need to bring back pirating ASAP
It's like how Netflix will raise their prices because they studied that if they raise the cost 20%, 25% of the users will leave making them lose money. But if they raise it by 15% only 10% of the users will leave thus making them more than they lose.. every decision is calculated like this. Every time a product becomes worse it's not by chance, it has been previously tested in some sample population that represents the average consumer.
For example if you want to test a new product you test it in Domtronsundfjordvik, Norway because it's a city with a population of 5000 and they all have middle class income and you can test you new stupid feature and it approximates the average American consumer good enough.
What this all shows is that consumers overall (at least the group that interests corporations) are becoming increasingly more stupid and lowering the bar. All products, all services will continue to become worse and people will just take it.
This post is not about Microsoft. This post is about how we need to bring back pirating ASAP